An independent company with 24 years of expertise in flight data animation for Flight Safety and Pilot Training
Now, we see more and more companies exploiting the data, a trend that goes beyond the aviation industry. These data are “digital gold,” even if the collected data sometimes have questionable use.
In aviation, CEFA takes a radically new approach. Our philosophy is to give immediate, unfiltered access to the data created by the pilots; their own flight.
For years, flight data have been collected. Flight safety is using them for trend monitoring and safety analysis since decades in a useful way; basically, a great approach, but also a risk as exceedances are sometimes pointed out without further explanation. This presents a risk of pilots developing individual techniques, as they are only presenting an unwanted figure, but are not in a position to understand the dynamic or the flight process that led to the unwanted outcome.
After dealing for 20 years at an average of 1.5 million flights/year and 3 million lines of code, CEFA has developed CEFA AMS, a service that allows the pilots to have:
- immediate access to the data they created on their own flight in an easily understandable animation and detailed performance graphs
- access to their data without having the company in the loop (fully anonymous service)
- the ability to review their performance without any pressure (no comparison or benchmark)
- a fantastic debriefing tool ideal for a crew centered debriefing
- great support to enhance the will, precision, and quality of the reporting system
- concrete support for EBT training during regular line operation
- a supportive tool for the implementation of the Safety 2 concept
- an intuitive tool for reviewing own performance and support for self-improvement.
Our approach has been recognized in the Flight Safety Foundation White Paper: Learning from all Operation (July 2021):
7.7. Flight data replay via electronic flight bag mobile apps: Ryanair and All Nippon Airways
Since the incorporation of commercial airline flight data monitoring (FDM) programs, pilots normally have had the opportunity to review animated flight replays when the SMS required a debrief or the operating pilots themselves requested a review of a specific flight which they operated. When provided, the flight data replay was conducted under supervision of an approved FDM facilitator, and often days, if not weeks, after the duty.
Through the innovative combination of approved technologies and confidentiality protocols, operators now can relocate historical FDM replays from office desktops directly onto the pilots’ company-issued electronic flight bag (EFB) in a manner that is compliant with regulations and confidential. The flight replay capability, available soon after the completion of the flight, greatly enhances the effectiveness of crew debriefing, self-critique and facilitated training through a timely, tailored and confidential feedback loop. When enabled, each pilot can access his/her own flights and the process is fully automated, protected by the European Union General Data Protection Regulation, and does not require human interaction to provide the replay file. The data are secure in that only the operating pilot(s) can request access to review their flight profiles and the time window in which pilots can access their flight replay can be customized in accordance with company, industrial and regulatory stakeholder requirements. For the airline, EFB FDM replay technologies can be easily and efficiently incorporated because no additional installation is needed, provided that the aircraft’s quick access recorder data transmission system operates via an automatic, wireless process.
All airlines seek to provide positive, progressive learning opportunities over the pilot’s career. Companies providing EFB flight replay aim to achieve common goals: improve the effectiveness and efficiency of training, strengthen pilot performance, harmonize skill levels across the pilot community, and, ultimately, improve flight safety. The immediate, objective and factual replay provides pilots with a better understanding of their own performance from the perspective of both pilot flying and pilot monitoring. The ability to review the flight in a dynamic, near real-time, self-facilitated manner, versus the traditional static means of delivery, creates a data/ technological-driven opportunity to enhance not only pilot performance, compliance and safety, but also that of the airlines themselves.
All Nippon Airways and Ryanair already incorporate EFB flight replay systems into their programs and consider the capability as beneficial and a natural progression to existing safety, operational and training processes. Soon after introducing EFB flight replay capability into the airline, Ryanair noted positive feedback from its pilots, who welcomed the innovative means and opportunities for feedback, self-assessment, knowledge transfer and reinforcement of standard operating procedures and shared mental models.
CEFA AMS aims for pilot empowerment; this is a breakthrough technology:
- for better communication with the traditional flight safety (both are in possession of the same data)
- enabling pilots to understand their performances and energy management; an easy way to aim for fuel-saving without any pressure from the company.
- allowing to understand processes or situations that were difficult to understand during the dynamic of the flight
- which is constantly evolving as our new customers bring some new constructive ideas. Our second philosophy is “design for change,” we adapt or develop new features to fit your own needs better.
This subject will be part of the IASS 2021, don’t miss on September 22 Session 4 – Learning From All Operations: Expanding the Field of Vision to Improve Aviation Safety
In an increasingly interconnected and complex aviation system, it is imperative to learn not only from things that rarely go wrong but also from things that go right. Data collection needs to expand from a focus on hazardous events to analysis of routine operational data. The Foundation believes it is time for a fundamental shift to learn from all operations and events — not just from those that are unwanted.
How are we supporting – the sharing of exchanged ideas and best practices?
- James Kwasny, LOSA Program Coordinator, Allied Pilots Association, American Airlines
- First Officer Bogomir Glavan, Pilot, American Airlines
- Aidan Murray, Chief Pilot, Ryanair
- Antonio Licu, BSc, MSc, Head of Operational Safety, SQS and Integrated Risk Management Unit, EUROCONTROL
- Riccardo Patriarca, BSc, MSc, PhD, Researcher, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome (Italy)
Moderated by Mr. Tzvetomir Blajev, Director Europe and Global Operational Safety, Flight Safety Foundation
For more information about CEFA AMS, click here
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LEARNING FROM ALL OPERATIONS – A call to action paper from the Flight Safety Foundation
Los pilotos de American Airlines son los primeros en utilizar la aplicación de debriefing de vuelo de CEFA Aviation en Estados Unidos